In order to presort a mailing, FlexMail uses the address data in your linked database. Because FlexMail cannot automatically identify what type of data is in each field of a mailing list, you need to map the fields containing relevant information for the sortation process to the actual sort field types.
The column on the left side of the list box displays the relevant field types for presorting a mailing. In the column on the right side you can select the data field from the linked database containing that information.
Address. If your database does not contain separate data fields that hold the postcode and post town, FlexMail will scan the fields mapped to Address 1 - 6 to locate the postcode and, when needed, the post town.
Post town. FlexMail will try to determine the postcode for addresses without a correct postcode, based on the post town. In order to do so, FlexMail will use the field in your database you map to this type. If this field is not mapped and FlexMail needs the post town, FlexMail will try to locate the post town in one of the fields mapped to Address 1 - 6).
Postcode. FlexMail needs a data field in each record containing the postcode of the address. If you do not map a field to the postcode, FlexMail will try to locate the postcode in one of the fields mapped to Address 1 - 6).
DPS. When you are barcoding your mailing FlexMail will need to evaluate the validity of each DPS in order to calculate the costs for the mailing.
Country. FlexMail uses the field mapped to Country to differentiate between Inland and International addresses. FlexMail assumes an address to be in the UK when the value in this column is equal to the value you have specified for the United Kingdom in the Country Codes dialog. All records containing another value will be treated as International mail according to the codes you have given them.
If you want to edit or review the country codes now, click Countries at the bottom of the list displaying the field mapping. For more information see Country codes.
NOTE: You do not have to specify a country column if your database only contains addresses in your own country. By default FlexMail treats all addresses as inland addresses.
Weight. If the your mailing is a mixed weight mailing, FlexMail needs to know the weight of the item send to an address. This weight should be stored in a column of your data table.
NOTE: You can only specify a weight column for mixed weight mailings. For fixed weight mailings, enter the weight in the Item size and weight page of the wizard.
Validation Status. If you have selected to calculate the address accuracy over the Validation Status field on the Address and postcode accurracy window of the wizard, you need to identify the field that contains the validation status.