If your mailing list does not contain separate fields for all the data fields returned by the vallidation process, you can add them to your output file if you have specified that the results will be written to a new file.
The Fields in destination file list shows all the fields, currently defined in your destination file. Initially, this will be an exact copy of the fields in the currently linked file. The Unused fields list displays all additional fields that are available in the Postal data file and that may be added to the destination file.
NOTE: The program determines the address fields that are available in the mailing list, based on the mapping you have made in the Address fields page of the wizard. If the list is not correct you can make modifications by returning to that page of the wizard.
To add fields to your output file:
In the Fields in destination file list, select the field after which you want to add a new field.
In the Unused fields list double-click on the field that you want to add or click the Add Field button.
The Add Field dialog opens.
Review or modify the field name and field length for the field to be added to the destination file. Please note that the field type cannot be changed, because this identifies the type of data that will be saved in this field by the validation process.
Click OK to add the field to the destination file.
Repeat steps 1 to 4 for each field that you want to add to the output file.