One of the most important features of FlexStream is its ability to generate OMR and BCR (1D and 2D) marks that can be read by inserting systems. FlexStream generally refers to these codes as scancodes.
The printing of scancodes on FlexStream output and their subsequent scanning by the inserter results in greatly increased mail piece integrity and an extremely low possibility of the wrong sheets being inserted into an envelope. It also enables you to add selective inserts to the mail pieces and perform any selective operations your inserter supports.
The layout and contents of the marks that are generated are based on configurations you define for the inserter and jobs you have. For each project you then setup the scancode, based on a defined configuration, and you specify specific values and selective operations for that project when you add the scancode to a document.
Each section describes one of these steps:
FlexStream scancodes are added to a document by selecting Insert Scancode on the ribbon. Clicking on the icon will open the Insert Scancode dialog. In this dialog you can specify the scancode settings for the project you are working on:
In the Configuration list box, select the configuration you want to use for your project. By clicking one of the icons at the right hand side of the list box you can edit the configuration or define new configurations.
The Scancode Type listbox will show one or more scancode types available for this configuration. If there is only one type available, this will be selected and the box will be disabled. Otherwise, select the scancode type you want to use.
Now setup your scancode. Depending on the configuration and scancode type you have chosen in the previous step, the options that are displayed will vary. For each of the options there is an explanation displayed at the bottom of the property control.
Usually, one or more of the following groups of setup settings are available:
The Scancode section shows the configuration of the scancode and, depending on the inserter, enables you to make some project related settings like for example type of fold.
The Selective Operations section allow you to define the use and condition for each of the selective operation marks in the configuration. When you select User Defined, you can use the Simple Rule dialog to specify a condition.
The Selective Feeds section allow you to define the use and condition for each of the selective feed marks in the configuration. When you select User Defined, you can use the Simple Rule dialog to specify a condition.
If you are missing specific marks or characters to control available functions of your inserter, you can click the New button at the rght-hand side of the Configuration listbox to create a new scancode configuration or Edit to modify an exiting one.
When you have made the settings you want, you add the scancode to your document by clicking OK. FlexStream will then add the scancode to your document on the default position, based on your settings.
There are several options that can help you in correctly positioning the scancode and assuring that the scancode is correct and readible.
There are only certain acceptable locations on a page for scancodes to be placed, in order to be properly read by the inserter's scanner. These can depend on scancode type, type of scanner and specific job settings.
To help you positioning scancodes correctly, FlexStream positions the scancode by default on the preferred position. FlexStream also displays a guide on your screen that identify the area(s) where the scancode may be placed. This guide is automatically displayed when the scancode is selected.
Note: FlexStream is not able to display guides for User Defined scancodes.
Most scancodes require a certain area around the actual scancode image in order for the scanner to be able to read the code correctly. This area is usually called clear zone or quiet zone.
This area can be made visual by selecting the Clear Zone check box on the ribbon. When the Clear Zone checkbox is selected and the output is printed, FlexStream will hide items within the area in the actual output.
To check the marks of an OMR code or the actual values in a (1D or 2D) barcode, you can select Show text on the ribbon. This will display an abbreviation indicating the type of function the marks represent. You can change the position of the text by selecting the alignment. Be sure to switch this setting off before printing, because FlexStream will also print this text on the output.
To configure Scancodes for your inserter first select Insert Scancode on the ribbon. The Insert Scancode dialog opens. You can then select an existing inserter configuration. The icons at the right-hand side of the Configuration listbox enable you to edit configurations, create new configurations or delete configurations that you no longer need. The first time you insert a scancode and you have no configurations defined, the Scancode configuration dialog will open automatically.
To create a new configuration:
Enter a name for your configuration in the Configuration edit box and select the manufacturer and the inserter model you want to make a configuration for. If you have an inserter that is not in the list, select a compatible model. Refer to your inserter documentation for more information or contact your supplier. In case your inserter is not in the list and there is no compatible model, you can select <User Defined> to create your own scancode.
Now define your configuration. Depending on the inserter you have chosen in the previous step, the options that are displayed will vary. For each of the options there is an explanation displayed at the bottom of the property control. Please note that the settings you make in this dialog must match the settings of your inserter. For more information please consult your inserter manual.
Usually, one or more of the following groups of configuration settings are available:
The Inserter configuration section enables you to specify the configuration of the inserter you are using and the hard- and software options that are available. Selections that you make here will also determine the options you will have available in the Scancode definition.
In the Scancode definition section you can define scancode settings and contents. Depending on the inserter (manufacturer and model) chosen:
A list of all available marks for your inserter is displayed. By enabling or disabling each mark you define which marks will be included in the scancode. For some functions you will be able to set the number of marks or characters.
A subset of the available scancode functions is displayed. Add and Remove buttons at the bottom of the screen allow you to add and remove marks from the scancode contents. Move Up and Move Down buttons enable you to set the order of the marks in the code.
Again, the settings depend on your inserter and the configuration you have. In general the following groups of marks are available:
The basic marks include the collation marks (BOC and EOC) that mark the beginning of a collation and end of a collation. The OMR codes may also include a parity mark and other fixed marks. If an error is detected in any of these, or any contextual error is detected, most insterters will stop processing.
Integrity marks help to ensure that the contents of each mail piece is correct. There are different types of integrity marks available like page sequence and set sequence (in a file), and page number and page count (in each set).
The Scancode may specify whether to include one or more supplementary inserts from the other feeders, independently for each set. Here you specify the number of feeders you want to use for selective feeding and therefore need to be included in the scancode. When adding the scancode to your document, you define the condition for each inserter.
Most inserters support one or more selective operations in addition to selective feeds, like diverting, marking, sealing sorting etc. Again, you select here if you want to include this mark in your code. The condition is specified later when you add the scancode to the document.
For some scancode types, you can here set the size of the scancode. The dimensions you can set will be dependent on, and within the specifications of, the inserter manufacturer.
When you have defined your configuration, click OK to return to the Insert Scancode dialog where you can use the configuration and make any project related settings and define the conditions for selective feeds and other selective operations.