Match Codes

FlexMail decides what comprises a duplicate record group by extracting parts of each record, and comparing the results. The definition that describes what parts of each record should be included in the comparison and how the comparison should be made is called a match code.

Match Code Definition

You can create any match code that you feel is appropriate to detect the duplicates in the file(s) you are processing in the Match Code Definition page of the wizard.

The Match Code Definition page lists the fields and the properties of each field you want FlexMail to use in the match code. You can edit the fields and their properties that make up a match code. For example, you can change the field, the number and type of characters to be compared, and the type of comparison you want FlexMail to perform.

To define or edit a match code:

  1. Select the field you want to add to the match code in the Field column.

  2. In the Characters column, choose the kind of characters you want to be compared from the selected field type when searching for duplicate records:

  3. Select the type of comparison you want in the Comparison column:

  4. In the From column, select the first character to be included in the match code (probably 1) and the total number of characters to include from that field in the Length column.

  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for every field you want to include in your match code.

Note: You can delete a field from the match code by clicking the delete button at the right hand side side of the row.